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Vertaisarvioidut julkaisut (*ns. corresponding author ja yhtäläinen työnjako kahden ensimmäisen kirjoittajan välillä):
01. Schmieder M., Schwarz W. H., Trieloff M., Buchner E., Hopp J., Tohver E., Pesonen L. J., Lehtinen M., Moilanen J., Werner S. C. & Öhman T., 2016. The two Suvasvesi impact structures, Finland – Argon isotopic evidence for a ‘false’ impact crater doublet. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, vol. 51, no. 5, pp. 966–980, doi: 10.1111/maps.12636.
02. Schmieder M., Jourdan F., Moilanen J., Buchner E. & Öhman T., 2016. A Late Mesoproterozoic 40Ar/39Ar age for a melt breccia from the Keurusselkä impact structure, Finland. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, vol. 51, no. 2, pp. 303–322, doi: 10.1111/maps.12594.
03. Kramer G. Y., Jaiswal B., Hawke B. R., Öhman T., Giguere T. A. & Johnson K., 2015. The Basalts of Mare Frigoris. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, vol. 120, no. 10, pp. 1646–1670, doi: 10.1002/2014JE00475.
04. Schwarz W. H., Schmieder M., Buchner E., Trieloff M., Moilanen J. & Öhman T., 2015. A Carnian 40Ar/39Ar age for the Paasselkä impact structure (SE Finland) – An update. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 135–140, doi: 10.1111/maps.12407.
05. Öhman T., Kramer G. Y. & Kring D. A., 2014. Characterization of melt and ejecta deposits of Kepler crater from remote sensing data. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, vol. 119, pp. 1238−1258, doi: 10.1002/2013JE004501.
06. Öhman T. & McGovern P. J., 2014. Circumferential graben and the structural evolution of Alba Mons, Mars. Icarus, vol. 233, pp. 114–125, doi: 10.1016/j.icarus.2014.01.043.
07. Öhman T. & Preeden U., 2013. Shock metamorphic features in quartz grains from the Saarijärvi and Söderfjärden impact structures, Finland. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, vol. 48, no. 6, pp. 955–975, doi: 10.1111/maps12112.
08. Nahm A. L., Öhman T. & Kring D. A., 2013. Normal faulting origin for the Cordillera and Outer Rook Rings of Orientale Basin, the Moon. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, vol. 118, pp. 190–205, doi: 10.1002/jgre.20045.
09. Öhman T. & Kring D. A., 2012. Photogeologic analysis of impact melt-rich lithologies in Kepler crater that could be sampled by future missions. Journal of Geophysical Research – Planets, vol. 117, E00H08, doi: 10.1029/2011JE003918.
10. Öhman T., Aittola M., Korteniemi J., Kostama V.-P. & Raitala J., 2010. Polygonal impact craters in the Solar System: Observations and implications. In: Gibson R. L. & Reimold W. U. (eds.): Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution IV. Geological Society of America Special Paper 465. Geological Society of America, Boulder, pp. 51–65, doi: 10.1130/2010.2465(04).
11. Schmieder M., Schwarz W. H., Buchner E., Trieloff M., Moilanen J. & Öhman T., 2010. A Middle-Late Triassic 40Ar/39Ar age for the Paasselkä impact structure (SE Finland). Meteoritics & Planetary Science, vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 572–582, doi: 10.1111/j.1945-5100.2010.01041.x.
12. Korteniemi J., Raitala J., Aittola M., Ivanov M. A., Kostama V.-P., Öhman T. & Hiesinger H., 2010. Dike indicators in the Hadriaca Patera – Promethei Terra region, Mars. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 294, pp. 466–478, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2009.06.038.
13. Aittola M., Öhman T.*, Leitner J. J., Kostama V.-P. & Raitala J., 2010. The structural control of Venusian polygonal impact craters. Icarus, vol. 205, no. 2, pp. 356–363, doi: 10.1016/j.icarus.2009.08.004.
14. Öhman T., Aittola M., Kostama V.-P., Raitala J. & Korteniemi J., 2008. Polygonal impact craters in Argyre region, Mars: Implications for geology and cratering mechanics. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, vol. 43, no. 10, pp. 1605–1628.
15. Tagle R., Öhman T., Schmitt R. T., Erzinger J. & Claeys Ph., 2007. Traces of an H chondrite in the impact-melt rocks from the Lappajärvi impact structure, Finland. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, vol. 42, no. 10, pp. 1841–1854.
16. Aittola M., Öhman T., Leitner J. J. & Raitala J., 2007. The characteristics of polygonal impact craters on Venus. Earth, Moon, and Planets, vol. 101, pp. 41–53, doi: 10.1007/s11038-007-9148-4.
17. Öhman T., Aittola M., Kostama V.-P., Hyvärinen M. & Raitala J., 2006. Polygonal impact craters in Argyre Region, Mars: Evidence for influence of target structure on the final crater morphology. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, vol. 41, no. 8, pp. 1163–1173.
18. Vishnevsky S. A., Raitala J., Gibsher N. A., Öhman T. & Pal’chik N. A., 2006. Impact tuffisites of the Popigai astrobleme. Russian Geology and Geophysics, vol. 47, no. 6, pp. 715–733.
19. Korteniemi J., Kostama V.-P., Törmänen T., Aittola M., Lahtela H., Öhman T., Raitala J. & Neukum G., 2005. Complex geology of two large impact craters in Tyrrhena Terra, Mars: Detailed analysis using MEX HRSC camera data. Journal of Geophysical Research – Planets, vol. 110, E12S18, doi: 10.1029/2005JE002427.
20. Öhman T., Aittola M., Kostama V.-P. & Raitala J., 2005. The preliminary analysis of polygonal impact craters within greater Hellas region, Mars. In: Koeberl C. & Henkel H. (eds.): Impact Tectonics. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 131–160.
Ensyklopedia-artikkelit, proceedings-julkaisut, muut arvioinnin läpikäyneet artikkelit (*ns. corresponding author ja yhtäläinen työnjako kahden ensimmäisen kirjoittajan välillä):
21. Bray V. J., Öhman T. & Hargitai H., 2015. Central peak crater. In: Hargitai H. & Kereszturi A. (eds.): Encyclopedia of Planetary Landforms, pp. 249–256, Springer Science+Business Media, New York, doi: 10.1007/978-1-4614-3134-3.
22. Hargitai H. & Öhman T., 2015. Complex crater. In: Hargitai H. & Kereszturi A. (eds.): Encyclopedia of Planetary Landforms, pp. 340–353, Springer Science+Business Media, New York, doi: 10.1007/978-1-4614-3134-3.
23. Korteniemi J. & Öhman T.*, 2015. Polygonal crater. In: Hargitai H. & Kereszturi A. (eds.): Encyclopedia of Planetary Landforms, pp. 1637–1640, Springer Science+Business Media, New York, doi: 10.1007/978-1-4614-3134-3.
24. Potter R., Hargitai H. & Öhman T., 2015. Impact basin. In: Hargitai H. & Kereszturi A. (eds.): Encyclopedia of Planetary Landforms, pp. 963–972, Springer Science+Business Media, New York, doi: 10.1007/978-1-4614-3134-3.
25. Riikonen M., Cowley L., Schroeder M., Pekkola M., Öhman T. & Hinz C., 2007. The Lowitz arcs. Weather, vol. 62, no. 9, pp. 252–256, doi: 10.1002/wea.73.
25. Riikonen M., Cowley L., Schroeder M., Pekkola M., Öhman T. & Hinz C., 2007. The Lowitz arcs. Weather, vol. 62, no. 9, pp. 252–256, doi: 10.1002/wea.73.
26. Korteniemi J., Aittola M., Öhman T. & Raitala J., 2006. Floor-fractured craters on the terrestrial planets – The Martian perspective. In: Wilson A. (ed.): Proceedings, 40th ESLAB – First International Conference on Impact Cratering in the Solar System, ESA Special Publication SP-612, pp. 193–198 (CD-ROM).
27. Öhman T., 2009. The Structural Control of Polygonal Impact Craters. Ph.D. thesis, Department of Geosciences, University of Oulu. Res Terrae, Ser. A, No. 28. 403 pp. (222 pp. + 6 app. + 6 papers). E-thesis (no papers): https://www.researchgate.net/publication/260034157_The_Structural_Control_of_Polygonal_Impact_Craters
28. Öhman T., 2007. The Structural Control of Polygonal Impact Craters on Mars. Licentiate thesis, Department of Geosciences, University of Oulu. 105 pp. + 3 app. (13 pp.) + 3 papers.
29. Öhman T., 2002. The Indications of Cratering Process in Saarijärvi Impact Crater, Northern Finland (in Finnish). M.Sc. thesis, Department of Geosciences, University of Oulu. 180 pp. + 10 app. (26 pp.)
Pitkät kansainväliset konferenssiabstraktit:
30. Öhman T., Kramer G. Y. & McGovern P. J., 2016. Geomorphologic Sketch Mapping of a Fresh Lunar Crater Eimmart A. Lunar and Planetary Science XLVII, #1948, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, U.S.A. (poster)
31. Kukkonen S., Aittola M. & Öhman T., 2015. An Update on the Structural Control of Venusian Polygonal Impact Craters. Lunar and Planetary Science XLVI, #2005, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, U.S.A.
31. Kukkonen S., Aittola M. & Öhman T., 2015. An Update on the Structural Control of Venusian Polygonal Impact Craters. Lunar and Planetary Science XLVI, #2005, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, U.S.A.
32. Kramer G. Y., Kring D. A., McGovern P. J., Nahm A. L. & Ohman T., 2015. Compositional and Structural Characteristics of Schrödinger’s Basin Volcanism. Lunar and Planetary Science XLVI, #2829, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, U.S.A.
33. Kukkonen S., Aittola M. & Öhman T., 2014. The Structural Control of Venusian Impact Crater Formation – Tectonic Case Studies. Lunar and Planetary Science XLV, #2589, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, U.S.A.
34. Schmieder M., Jourdan F., Öhman T., Tohver E., Mayers C. & Frew A., 2014. A Proterozoic 40Ar/39Ar Age for the Söderfjärden Impact Structure, Finland. Lunar and Planetary Science XLV, #1301, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, U.S.A.
35. Öhman T. & McGovern P. J., 2013. Strain calculations for circumferential graben on Alba Mons, Mars. Lunar and Planetary Science XLIV, #2966, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, U.S.A. (poster)
36. Chandnani M., Kramer G. Y., Fessler B., Öhman T. & Kring D. A., 2013. Deep crustal lunar lithologies exposed in the south-western peak ring of the Schrödinger basin. Lunar and Planetary Science XLIV, #1938, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, U.S.A.
37. Öhman T., Kramer G. Y. & Kring D. A., 2012. Spectral Analysis of the Distribution of Impact Melt-rich Lithologies in Lunar Crater Kepler Using M3 Data. Lunar and Planetary Science XLIII, #2257, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, U.S.A. (poster)
38. Kramer G. Y., Öhman T., Nahm A. L. & McGovern P., 2012. Pre- and Post-impact Influences on Schrödinger Basin’s Structural Geology. Lunar and Planetary Science XLIII, #1734, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, U.S.A.
39. Öhman T. & Kring D. A., 2011. Photogeologic Analysis of Impact Melt-rich Lithologies in the Lunar Crater Kepler Using LROC and Kaguya Data. Lunar and Planetary Science XLII, #1177, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, U.S.A. (poster)
40. Öhman T. & Preeden U., 2011. Shock Metamorphism of Quartz in Saarijärvi and Söderjärden Impact Structures, Finland. Lunar and Planetary Science XLII, #1546, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, U.S.A. (talk)
41. Schmieder M., Buchner E., Jourdan F., Schwarz W. H., Trieloff M., van Soest M. C., Wartho J.-A., Hodges K. V., Moilanen J., Hietala S. & Öhman T., 2010. Updating the Finnish impact cratering record. Lunar and Planetary Science XLI, #2036 (CD-ROM), Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, U.S.A.
42. Raitala J., Aittola M., Korteniemi J., Öhman T., Törmänen T. & Kukkonen S., 2010. Possible ice lenses on Mars. Lunar and Planetary Science XLI, #1332 (CD-ROM), Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, U.S.A.
43. Buchner E., Moilanen J., Öhman T. & Schmieder M., 2009. Shock-molten sandstone clasts in impact melt rocks: age constraints for the Paasselkä impact structure (SE Finland). Lunar and Planetary Science XL, #2169 (CD-ROM), Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, U.S.A.
44. Schmieder M., Jourdan F., Hietala S., Moilanen J., Öhman T. & Buchner E., 2009. A high precision Late Mesoproterozoic 40Ar/39Ar age for the Keurusselkä impact structure (Finland). Lunar and Planetary Science XL, #1028 (CD-ROM), Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, U.S.A.
45. Korteniemi J., Raitala J., Aittola M., Ivanov M., Öhman T., Kostama V.-P. & Hiesinger H., 2009. Evidence for Dike Swarms on the Eastern Hellas Rim, Mars. Lunar and Planetary Science XL, #2126 (CD-ROM), Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, U.S.A.
46. Öhman T., Aittola M., Kostama V.-P., Korteniemi J. & Raitala J., 2008. The control of target structure on the crater morphology on the Moon, Mars, and Venus – evidence and implications. Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution IV, #3046 (CD-ROM), 17–21 August 2008, Vredefort Dome, South Africa.
47. Raiskila S., Elbra T., Öhman T. & Pesonen L. J., 2008. Petrophysical and palaeomagnetic studies of the Keurusselkä impact structure, Finland. Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution IV, #3056 (CD-ROM), 17–21 August 2008, Vredefort Dome, South Africa.
48. Aittola M., Öhman T., Leitner J. J., Raitala J., Kostama V.-P. & Törmänen T., 2008. The association of Venusian polygonal impact craters with surrounding tectonic structures. Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIX, #2137 (CD-ROM), Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, U.S.A.
49. Öhman T., Aittola M., Kostama V.-P., Kallo M. & Raitala J., 2007. The mechanics of polygonal impact crater formation. Bridging the gap II: Effect of target properties on the impact cratering process, September 22–26 2007, Saint-Hubert, Canada, p. 87–88. (poster)
50. Öhman T., 2007. The origin and tectonic modification of the Saarijärvi impact structure, northern Finland. Bridging the gap II: Effect of target properties on the impact cratering process, September 22–26 2007, Saint-Hubert, Canada, p. 85–86. (poster)
51. Öhman T., Aittola M., Leitner J. & Raitala J., 2007. Venusian polygonal impact craters. Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVIII, #2299 (CD-ROM), Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, U.S.A.
52. Versh E., Kirsimäe K., Buchardt Westergaard B., Naumov M. V., Öhman T. & Jõeleht A., 2006. Mineralogical and stable isotope study of impact-induced hydrothermal carbonates. First International Conference on Impact Cratering in the Solar System, European Space Agency, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 08–12 May, 2006, pp. 233–234.
53. Korteniemi J., Aittola M., Lahtela H., Öhman T., & Raitala J., 2006. Distribution of Martian crater floors with fractures and/or depressions. First International Conference on Impact Cratering in the Solar System, European Space Agency, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 08–12 May, 2006, pp. 119–120.
54. Öhman T., Aittola M., Kostama V.-P. & Raitala J., 2006. Preliminary geological analysis of polygonal impact crater data from Argyre region, Mars. Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVII, #1236 (CD-ROM), Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, U.S.A. (poster)
55. Tagle R., Claeys Ph., Öhman T., Schmitt R. T. & Erzinger J., 2006. Traces of an H chondrite in the impactites from Lappajärvi Crater, Finland. Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVII, #1277 (CD-ROM), Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, U.S.A.
56. Aittola M., Korteniemi J., Öhman T., Törmänen T. & Raitala J., 2006. Geology of central Noachis Terra, Mars. Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVII, #1654 (CD-ROM), Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, U.S.A.
57. Korteniemi J., Aittola M., Lahtela H., Öhman T. & Raitala J., 2006a. Martian floor-fractured craters vs. craters with irregular depressions. Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVII, #2145 (CD-ROM), Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, U.S.A.
58. Öhman T., Aittola M., Kostama V.-P., Hyvärinen M. & Raitala J., 2005. Preliminary study of polygonal impact craters in Argyre region, Mars. Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVI, #1731 (CD-ROM), Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, U.S.A. (poster)
59. Öhman T. & Raitala J., 2005. Geochemistry of the dark veinlets in the granitoids from the Söderfjärden impact structure, Finland: Preliminary results. Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVI, #1738 (CD-ROM), Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, U.S.A. (poster)
60. Korteniemi J., Kostama V.-P., Aittola M., Öhman T., Törmänen T., Lahtela H., Raitala J., Neukum G. & the HRSC Co-Investigator Team, 2005. Mars Express HRSC analysis of two impact craters in Terra Tyrrhena, Mars. Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVI, #1680 (CD-ROM), Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, U.S.A.
61. Vishnevsky S. A., Gibsher N. A., Raitala J., Öhman T. & Palchik N. A., 2005. The Popigai fluidizites: Dense water inclusions in lechatelierite; evidence for shock-generated carbonate and hydrosilicate melts. Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVI, #1145 (CD-ROM), Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, U.S.A.
62. Raitala J., Aittola M, Kostama V.-P., Lahtela H. & Öhman T., 2003. Modified impact craters – clues to Martian geological processes. Sixth International Conference on Mars, #3016 (CD-ROM), July 20–25, 2003, Pasadena, U.S.A.
63. Öhman T., Aittola M., Kostama V.-P. & Raitala J., 2003. Polygonal impact craters as an indicator of fracturing – an example from greater Hellas region, Mars. Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIV, #1311 (CD-ROM), Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, U.S.A.
64. Öhman T., Badjukov D., Raitala J., Petrova T. & Stehlik H., 2003. Impactites of the Paasselkä and Suvasvesi South craters, Finland. Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIV, #1571 (CD-ROM), Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, U.S.A. (poster)
65. Raitala J., Ojala K., Öhman T., Badjukov D. D. & Lorenz C. A., 2003. Kara crater by remote sensing. Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIV, #1057 (CD-ROM), Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, U.S.A.
66. Öhman T., Kostama V.-P., Aittola M., Raitala J. & Badjukov D., 2002. Martian analogues for Kara impact structure, Russia. Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIII, #1270 (CD-ROM), Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, U.S.A. (poster)
67. Badjukov D., Raitala J., Öhman T. & Lorenz C., 2002. The Kara crater size: suevite layer outside the crater depression. Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIII, #1480 (CD-ROM), Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, U.S.A.
68. Aittola M., Öhman T., Kostama V.-P. & Raitala J., 2002. Impact craters establish geological diversity within Hellas region. Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIII, #1485 (CD-ROM), Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, U.S.A.
69. Kostama V.-P., Aittola M., Öhman T. & Raitala J., 2002. Geological units of the Hellas basin region, Mars. Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIII, #1486 (CD-ROM), Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, U.S.A.
Kansainväliset konferenssiabstraktit:
70. Kramer G. Y., Jaiswal B., Hawke B. R., Ohman T., Giguere T. A. & Johnson K., 2016. The Basalts of Mare Frigoris. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, 13th Annual Meeting, Abstract #PS11-D5-PM2-P-015 (PS11-A006). 31 July – 5 August 2016, Beijing, China.
71. Kukkonen S., Aittola M. & Öhman T., 2015. Craters and coronae – the influence of volcano-tectonic features on impact crater formation on Venus. European Planetary Science Congress 2015, vol. 10, EPSC2015-713. 27 September – 02 October 2015, La Cité des Congrès, Nantes, France.
72. Kukkonen S., Aittola M. & Öhman T., 2014. Impact craters in structurally heterogeneous targets: Venusian case studies. European Planetary Science Congress 2014, EPSC Abstracts, vol. 9, EPSC2014-339. 7–12 September 2014, Centro de Congressos do Estoril, Cascais, Portugal.
73. Öhman T., Kramer G. Y. & Kring D. A., 2011. Impact melt-rich lithologies in lunar crater Kepler. 4th Annual NASA Lunar Science Forum, July 19–21, 2011, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, U.S.A. (talk)
74. Öhman T., Salminen J. M., Badjukov D. D., Bäckström A., Pesonen L. J. & Raitala J., 2010. Kara impact structure: preliminary paleomagnetic, rock magnetic and petrophysical results. 29th Nordic Geological Winter Meeting, January 11–13, 2010, Oslo, Norway. NGF, Abstracts and Proceedings of the Geological Society of Norway, No. 1, pp. 215–216. (talk)
75. Raitala J., Öhman T., Ivanov M., Aittola M., Korteniemi J., Kostama V.-P., Törmänen T. & Lahtela H., 2010. Geological events provoked by impact structures in the Martian environment. 29th Nordic Geological Winter Meeting, January 11–13, 2010, Oslo, Norway. NGF, Abstracts and Proceedings of the Geological Society of Norway, No. 1, p. 152.
76. Raitala J., Aittola M., Korteniemi J., Öhman T. & Törmänen T., 2009. A Pingo Group on Noachis Terra, Mars. The 50th Vernadsky/Brown Microsymposium on Comparative Planetology, October 12–14, 2009, Moscow, Russia.
77. Schmieder M., Buchner E., Jourdan F., Schwarz W. H., Trieloff M., van Soest M. C., Wartho J.-A., Hodges K. V., Moilanen J., Hietala S. & Öhman T., 2009. The Finnish Impact Cratering Record – an Update with New Isotopic Data. The First Arab Impact Cratering and Astrogeology Conference, 9–10 November 2009, Amman, Jordan.
78. Buchner E., Schmieder M., Schwarz W. H., Trieloff M., Moilanen J., Öhman T. & Stehlik H., 2009. A Proterozoic 40Ar/39Ar Age for the Suvasvesi South Impact Structure (Finland). Meteoritics & Planetary Science, vol. 44, No. 7, Supplement, A44.
79. Schmieder M., Buchner E., Schwarz W. H., Trieloff M., Moilanen J. & Öhman T., 2009. A Middle Triassic 40Ar/39Ar Age for the Paasselkä Impact Structure (Finland). Meteoritics & Planetary Science, vol. 44, No. 7, Supplement, A187.
80. Öhman T., Aittola M., Kostama V.P., Korteniemi J. & Raitala J., 2008. Target rock influences the impact crater morphology. Abstract µ48_29 (CD-ROM). 48th Vernadsky/Brown Microsymposium on Comparative Planetology, October 20–22, 2008, Moscow, Russia.
81. Öhman T., Aittola M., Kostama V.P., Korteniemi J. & Raitala J., 2008. Target rock mechanisms influence the impact crater morphology. European Planetary Science Congress 2008, 21–26 September, Münster, Germany, EPSC2008-A-00194 (CD-ROM)
82. Öhman T., Aittola M., Raitala J. & Kostama V.-P., 2008. The structural control of impact craters: Evidence from the terrestrial planets. The 33rd International Geological Congress, August 6–14 2008, Oslo, Norway (CD-ROM).
83. Aittola M., Öhman T., Raitala J., Kostama V.-P. & Törmänen T., 2008. Venusian polygonal impact craters vs. tectonics. The 33rd International Geological Congress, August 6–14 2008, Oslo, Norway (CD-ROM).
84. Kostama V.-P., Aittola M., Korteniemi J., Lahtela H., Törmänen T., Öhman T. & Raitala, J., 2007. Geological and Paleo-Climatic Constraints for the Search of Life on Mars. EANA – 7th European Workshop on Astrobiology, October 22–24 2007, University of Turku, Finland, p. 25.
85. Aittola M., Öhman T., Leitner J. J., Kostama V.-P., Raitala J., & Törmänen T., 2007. Polygonal impact craters on Venus and their associations with surrounding tectonic features. #m46_01 (CD-ROM), The 46th Vernadsky/Brown Microsymposium on Comparative Planetology, October 2–3 2007, Moscow, Russia.
86. Aittola M., Öhman T., Leitner J. J., Raitala J., Kostama V.-P. & Törmänen T., 2007. Polygonal impact craters on Venus: Association with surroundng tectonic features. European Planetary Science Congress 2007, #EPSC2007-A-00302 (CD-ROM), 19–24 August 2007, Potsdam, Germany.
87. Aittola M., Öhman T., Hyvärinen M. & Raitala J., 2006. Polygonal impact craters on Venus: Preliminary results. The 44th Vernadsky/Brown Microsymposium on Comparative Planetology, #m44_02 (CD-ROM), October 9–11, 2006, Moscow, Russia.
88. Aittola M. & Öhman T., 2006. Polygonal impact craters on Venus. European Planetary Science Congress 2006, #EPSC2006-A-00430, Berlin, Germany, September 18–22, 2006.
89. Korteniemi J., Aittola M., Lahtela H., Öhman T. & Raitala J., 2006. Floor-fractured craters on Mars – distribution and formation scenarios. European Planetary Science Congress 2006, #EPSC2006-A-00419, Berlin, Germany, September 18–22, 2006.
90. Öhman T., Aittola M., Korteniemi J., Kostama V.-P. & Raitala J., 2006. The influence of target fracturing on crater morphology – A short review of polygonal impact craters. Impact craters as indicators for planetary environmental evolution and astrobiology, Östersund, Sweden, June 8–14, 2006. (talk)
91. Salminen J., Öhman T. & Pesonen L. J., 2006. Porosity of impactites – key for understanding cratering process? European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 02–07 April 2006, Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol 8, 01733 (CD-ROM).
92. Öhman T., 2006. Dark veinlets in the granitoids of Saarijärvi, Söderfjärden and Lappajärvi impact structures. 27th Nordic Geological Winter Meeting, January 9–12 2006, University of Oulu, Finland. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Finland, Special issue 1, p. 175. (poster)
93. Öhman T., Aittola M., Kostama V.-P., Hyvärinen M. & Raitala J., 2006. Polygonal craters of Argyre region, Mars – Clues to cratering mechanics? 27th Nordic Geological Winter Meeting, January 9–12 2006, University of Oulu, Finland. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Finland, Special issue 1, p. 176. (talk)
94. Bäckström A., Öhman T., Versh E. & Plado J., 2006. ESIR at Ilumetsa – an example of international student cooperation in impact crater research. 27th Nordic Geological Winter Meeting, January 9–12 2006, University of Oulu, Finland. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Finland, Special issue 1, p. 21.
95. Aittola M., Korteniemi J., Öhman T., Törmänen T. & Raitala J., 2006. Geology of Noachis Terra, Mars. 27th Nordic Geological Winter Meeting, January 9–12 2006, University of Oulu, Finland. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Finland, Special issue 1, p. 5.
96. Plado J. & ESIR Working Group (incl. Öhman T.), 2006. The Ilumetsa meteorite crater field, SE Estonia – results of the geophysical campaign. 27th Nordic Geological Winter Meeting, January 9–12 2006, University of Oulu, Finland. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Finland, Special issue 1, p. 125.
97. Vishnevsky S., Raitala J. & Öhman T., 2006. Popigai impact fluidizites: new data on opaques. 27th Nordic Geological Winter Meeting, January 9–12 2006, University of Oulu, Finland. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Finland, Special issue 1, p. 169.
98. Korteniemi J., Aittola M., Öhman T., Törmänen T. & Raitala J., 2005. Water and ice in central Noachis Terra, Mars? 42nd Vernadsky–Brown Microsymposium on Comparative Planetology, #m42_36 (CD-ROM), October 10–12, Moscow, Russia.
99. Öhman T., Aittola M., Kostama V.-P., Hyvärinen M. & Raitala J., 2005. The origin of polygonal impact craters – Evidence from Argyre region, Mars. 37th AAS Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting, 4–9 September 2005, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, vol. 37, no. 3, p. 687, #32.08. (poster)
100. Aittola M., Korteniemi J. & Öhman T., 2005. Geological characteristics of the central Noachis Terra, Mars. 37th AAS Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting, 4–9 September 2005, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, vol. 37, no. 3, p. 686–687, #32.06.
101. Korteniemi J., Kostama V.-P., Aittola M., Öhman T., Törmänen T., Lahtela H., Raitala J., Neukum G. & the HRSC Co-Investigator Team, 2004. HRSC study of an unnamed Martian impact crater at 24.5 S, 80.9 E. 40th Vernadsky/Brown Microsymposium on Comparative Planetology, #46 (CD-ROM), October 11–13, 2004, Moscow, Russia.
102. Vishnevsky S. A., Raitala J., Gibsher N. A., Öhman T. & Palchik N. A., 2004. The Popigai “fluidizite” dykes: a new data on their mineralogy and petrology. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, vol. 39, no. 8, Supplement, p. A109.
103. Riikonen M., Cowley L., Schroeder M. & Öhman T., 2004. The Lowitz Arcs. 327. WE-Heraeus Seminar – Atmospheric Optics (8th International Meeting on Meteorological Optics), 13–17 June, 2004, Bad Honnef, Germany.
104. Raitala J., Aittola M., Kostama V.-P., Korteniemi J., Lahtela H. & Öhman T., 2004. Geology and climate changes on Mars. First International Symposium on Space Climate, June 20–23, 2004, Oulu, Finland, p. 91.
105. Öhman T., Aittola M., Kostama V.-P. & Raitala J., 2004. Polygonal impact craters and bedrock fractures. 26th Nordic Geological Winter Meeting, January 6–9 2004, Uppsala, Sweden. GFF, vol. 126, part 1, p. 54–55. (talk)
106. Raitala J., Badjukov D., Öhman T., Lorentz K. & Ojala K., 2004. The size of the Kara crater. 26th Nordic Geological Winter Meeting, January 6–9 2004, Uppsala, Sweden. GFF, vol. 126, part 1, p. 55.
107. Öhman T., Pesonen L. J., Elo S., Uutela A., Tuisku P. & Raitala J., 2003. The origin and evolution of the Saarijärvi impact structure. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, vol. 38, no. 7, Supplement, p. A52. (poster)
108. Lahtela H., Kostama V.-P., Aittola M., Öhman T. & Raitala J., 2003. The lacustrine reservoirs in Hellas impact basin region. Third International Conference on Large Meteorite Impacts, #4073 (CD-ROM), August 5–7, 2003, Nördlingen, Germany.
109. Öhman T., Lorenz K., Pesonen L. J., Badjukov D., Raitala J., Elo S. & Ojala K., 2003. Kara impact structure, Russia: recent developments in petrophysical and geochemical studies. Third International Conference on Large Meteorite Impacts, #4071 (CD-ROM), August 5–7, 2003, Nördlingen, Germany. (talk)
110. Vishnevsky S. A., Raitala J., Gibsher N. A., Palchik N. A. & Öhman T., 2003. Breccia veins, pseudotachylites and fluidizite dykes in Archean gneiss fragments from the Popigai megabreccia. Third International Conference on Large Meteorite Impacts, #4034 (CD-ROM), August 5–7, 2003, Nördlingen, Germany.
111. Lahtela H., Kostama V.-P., Aittola M., Öhman T., & Raitala J., 2003. The crater lakes and other implications for standing bodies of water in Hellas region, Mars. 38th Vernadsky/Brown Microsymposium on Comparative Planetology, #ms057 (CD-ROM), October 27–29, 2003, Moscow, Russia.
112. Badjukov D. D., Raitala J., Öhman T. & Lorenz C. A., 2002. The Kara impact structure: single or double? In: von Dalwigk I. (ed.): Impact Tectonism. 8th Workshop of the European Science Foundation program IMPACT. Mora, Sweden, May 31 – June 3, 2002, p. 15.
113. Öhman T., Aittola M., Kostama V.-P. & Raitala J., 2002. Polygonal impact craters in Hellas region, Mars. In: von Dalwigk I. (ed.): Impact Tectonism. 8th Workshop of the European Science Foundation program IMPACT. Mora, Sweden, May 31 – June 3, 2002, p. 47. (poster)
114. Öhman T., Badjukov D., Pesonen L. J., Abels A., Tuisku P. & Raitala J., 2002. Pseudotachylite veins in the Söderfjärden crater, western Finland. In: von Dalwigk I. (ed.): Impact Tectonism. 8th Workshop of the European Science Foundation program IMPACT. Mora, Sweden, May 31 – June 3, 2002, p. 48. (poster)
115. Öhman T., Raitala J., Badjukov D. & Lorenz C., 2002. Preliminary studies of the Syadmayakha suevites from the Kara crater, Russia. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, vol. 37, no. 7, Supplement, p. A112. (poster)
116. Öhman T., Badjukov D., Raitala J. & Lorenz C., 2002. Kara revisited. 36th Vernadsky/Brown Microsymposium on Comparative Planetology, #ms072 (CD-ROM), October 14–16 2002, Moscow, Russia. (poster)
117. Ojala K., Badjukov D., Raitala J., Öhman T. & Lorenz C., 2002. Landsat TM classification of the arctic Kara impact crater tundra, Russia. 36th Vernadsky/Brown Microsymposium on Comparative Planetology, #ms073 (CD-ROM), October 14–16 2002, Moscow, Russia.
118. Aittola M., Raitala J., Kostama V.-P., Öhman T., Korteniemi J. & Pakarinen, J., 2001. Evaluation of HRSC target sites for the Mars Express mission within Noachis quadrangle, MC-27. The 34th Vernadsky/Brown Microsymposium on Comparative Planetology, October 8–9, 2001, Moscow, Russia. (CD-ROM)
119. Kostama V.-P., Raitala J., Aittola M., Öhman T., Pakarinen J. & Korteniemi J., 2001. Evaluation of HRSC target sites for the Mars Express mission within Hellas quadrangle, MC-28. The 34th Vernadsky/Brown Microsymposium on Comparative Planetology, October 8–9, 2001, Moscow, Russia. (CD-ROM)
120. Kostama V.-P., Pakarinen J., Raitala J., Aittola M., Öhman T. & Korteniemi J., 2001. Evaluation of HRSC target sites for the Mars Express mission within Hellas Quadrangle, MC-28. 52nd IAF Congress, 1.–5.10.2001, Toulouse, France.
121. Kostama V.-P., Aittola M., Raitala J. & Öhman T., 2001. The geology of the Hellas basin region: possible Mars Express HRSC target sites. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, vol. 33, no. 3, abstract 36.12.
122. Öhman T., Pesonen L. J., Raitala J., Uutela A. & Tuisku P., 2000. The Saarijärvi crater – older and larger than assumed? In: Pesonen L. J. & Plado J. (eds.): Meteorite Impacts in Precambrian Shields. 4th Workshop of the European Science Foundation Impact Programme, Lappajärvi – Karikkoselkä – Sääksjärvi, Finland, May 24–28, 2000. Geological Survey of Finland and University of Helsinki, p. 82. (poster)
Pitkät abstraktit kansainvälisissä workshopeissa:
123. Chandnani M., Kramer G. Y., Fessler B., Öhman T., & Kring D. A., 2012. Deep crustal lithologies exposed in the south-western peak ring of the Schrödinger basin. Papers Presented at the 28th Annual Summer Intern Conference, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, Texas, USA, August 9. 2012, pp. 4–6.
124. Öhman T., 2011. Impact Craters in Fractured Target Terrains: a comparison of Meteor Crater and Examples on the Moon. In: Kring D. A., Abramov O., Galenas M. G., Joy K. H., Kramer G. Y., Mercer C. N., Nahm A. L., Niihara T., Öhman T., Rapp J. F., Shaner A. J., Simmons S., Weller M. B., & White O. L., 2011. Lunar Analogue Training at Meteor Crater, Arizona & the San Francisco Volcanic Field, AZ (Field trip guide), O. Abramov (ed.), Lunar and Planetary Institute contribution #1618, Houston, pp. 81–86 (talk).
125. Öhman T. & Kring D. A., 2011. Photogeologic Analysis of Impact Melt-rich Lithologies in the Lunar Crater Kepler Using LROC and Kaguya Data. Center for Lunar Science and Exploration Team Workshop, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, U.S.A., January 6.–7. 2011, 2 pp. (talk)
126. Öhman T., 2009. Four hundred years of hits and misses in scientific impact crater research. Crater Mechanics and Structural Characteristics. Network on Impact Research workshop, Gol, Norway, June 8.–11. 2009, Program and Abstracts, pp. 29–30 (talk). http://www.mn.uio.no/geo/english/research/networks/nir/gol2009/NIR_workshop_Abstracts.pdf
127. Öhman T., 2007. The complexity of a simple crater: The evolution of Saarijärvi impact structure. The economic aspects of impact craters, geological and socio-economical views. Network on Impact Research workshop, Stavanger, Norway, September 17.–20. 2007, 2 pp. (talk)
128. Öhman T., Aittola M., Kostama V.-P., Kallo M. & Raitala J., 2007. Target structures ad cratering mechanics: Models for polygonal impact crater formation. The economic aspects of impact craters, geologigal and socio-economical views. Network on Impact Research workshop, Stavanger, Norway, September 17.–20. 2007, 2 pp. (talk)
Lyhyet ja pitkät abstraktit suomalaisissa kokouksissa:
129. Öhman T. & McGovern P. J., 2014. Topographic Analysis of the Circumferential Graben around Alba Mons, Mars. In: Karjalainen M., Mõttus M., Praks J., Luojus K., Takala M., Salminen M., Berglund R., & Kumpula T. (eds.), Abstract Book of the Finnish Remote Sensing Days 2013, Reports of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, 2014:1, p. 50. Dipoli Congress Centre, Otaniemi, Espoo, Finland, October 23–24, 2013 (poster).
130. Öhman T., Kramer G. Y. & Kring D. A., 2014. Multidisciplinary Remote Sensing Analysis of Lunar Impact Crater Kepler. In: Karjalainen M., Mõttus M., Praks J., Luojus K., Takala M., Salminen M., Berglund R., & Kumpula T. (eds.), Abstract Book of the Finnish Remote Sensing Days 2013, Reports of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, 2014:1, p. 29. Dipoli Congress Centre, Otaniemi, Espoo, Finland, October 23–24, 2013 (talk).
131. Aittola M., Raitala J., Kostama V.-P., Törmänen T., Öhman T., Korteniemi J., Lahtela H., Hyvärinen M. & Kainu T., 2007. Eurooppalaiset luotainhankkeet ja planeettojen pinnan tutkimus. In: Poutanen M. & Suurmäki H. (eds.): FinCOSPAR 2007, 4.–5.10.2007, Korpilampi, pp. 6–7.
132. Salminen J., Öhman T. & Pesonen L. J., 2005. Törmäyskivien huokoisuus – avain kraatterien synnyn ja kehityksen ymmärtämiseen? In: Viljanen J. & Mäntyniemi P. (eds.): XXII Geofysiikan Päivät, 19.–20.5.2005, Helsinki, pp. 213–218.
133. Ojala K., Badjukov D., Raitala J., Öhman T. & Lorenz C., 2002. Study of the Kara impact crater tundra, arctic Russia. In: Jussila J., Nygrén T. & Kelhä V. (eds.): The IX Meeting of Finnish National COSPAR and ANTARES Fall Seminar 2002 – Programme and Abstracts, October 30th – November 1st, 2002, Oulu, Finland, p. 74.
134. Kostama V.-P., Aittola M., Öhman T., & Raitala J., 2002. Hellas Basin: Unveiling the geologic history of Mars. In: Jussila J., Nygrén T. & Kelhä V. (eds.): The IX Meeting of Finnish National COSPAR and ANTARES Fall Seminar 2002 – Programme and Abstracts, October 30th – November 1st, 2002, Oulu, Finland, p. 71.
Yleistajuiset tieteelliset artikkelit, vastineet:
135. Öhman T., 2016. Kuun meret. In: Karttunen H., Manner O., Mäkelä V. & Suhonen M. (eds.): Tähdet 2017, pp. 120–125. Ursa Astronomical Association, Helsinki.
136. Manner O., Öhman T. & Kuula J., 2016. Mare Imbrium, kuu-ukon silmä. In: Karttunen H., Manner O., Mäkelä V. & Suhonen M. (eds.): Tähdet 2017, p. 24. Ursa Astronomical Association, Helsinki.
137. Manner O., Öhman T. & Kuula J., 2016. Nectariksen meri ja törmäysallas. In: Karttunen H., Manner O., Mäkelä V. & Suhonen M. (eds.): Tähdet 2017, p. 31. Ursa Astronomical Association, Helsinki.
138. Manner O., Öhman T. & Kuula J., 2016. Pieniä meriä Kuun itäreunalla. In: Karttunen H., Manner O., Mäkelä V. & Suhonen M. (eds.): Tähdet 2017, p. 39. Ursa Astronomical Association, Helsinki.
139. Manner O., Öhman T. & Kuula J., 2016. Meri Kuun reunalla: Mare Humboldtianum. In: Karttunen H., Manner O., Mäkelä V. & Suhonen M. (eds.): Tähdet 2017, p. 46. Ursa Astronomical Association, Helsinki.
140. Manner O., Öhman T. & Kuula J., 2016. Mare Vaporum, meri keskellä Kuuta. In: Karttunen H., Manner O., Mäkelä V. & Suhonen M. (eds.): Tähdet 2017, p. 51. Ursa Astronomical Association, Helsinki.
141. Manner O., Öhman T. & Kuula J., 2016. Kuun ainoa valtameri. In: Karttunen H., Manner O., Mäkelä V. & Suhonen M. (eds.): Tähdet 2017, p. 56. Ursa Astronomical Association, Helsinki.
142. Manner O., Öhman T. & Kuula J., 2016. Ensimmäisten ja viimeisten astronauttien jäljet. In: Karttunen H., Manner O., Mäkelä V. & Suhonen M. (eds.): Tähdet 2017, p. 61. Ursa Astronomical Association, Helsinki.
143. Manner O., Öhman T. & Kuula J., 2016. Vaarojen meri, libraation näyttäjä. In: Karttunen H., Manner O., Mäkelä V. & Suhonen M. (eds.): Tähdet 2017, p. 65. Ursa Astronomical Association, Helsinki.
144. Manner O., Öhman T. & Kuula J., 2016. Pohjoinen kapea meri. In: Karttunen H., Manner O., Mäkelä V. & Suhonen M. (eds.): Tähdet 2017, p. 72. Ursa Astronomical Association, Helsinki.
145. Manner O., Öhman T. & Kuula J., 2016. Mare Humorum, pyöreä meri lännessä. In: Karttunen H., Manner O., Mäkelä V. & Suhonen M. (eds.): Tähdet 2017, p. 77. Ursa Astronomical Association, Helsinki.
146. Manner O., Öhman T. & Kuula J., 2016. Mare Nubium ja Mare Cognitum. In: Karttunen H., Manner O., Mäkelä V. & Suhonen M. (eds.): Tähdet 2017, p. 84. Ursa Astronomical Association, Helsinki.
147. Manner O., Öhman T. & Kuula J., 2016. Hedelmällisyyden meri. In: Karttunen H., Manner O., Mäkelä V. & Suhonen M. (eds.): Tähdet 2017, p. 91. Ursa Astronomical Association, Helsinki.
148. Öhman T., 2012. Ask astro: Lunar impacts, Astronomy, September, pp. 50–51.
149. Öhman T., 2011. Ask astro: Creating Lunar Craters, Astronomy, April, p. 53.
150. Öhman T., 2009. Pirstekartioista Keurusselällä ja maailmalla. Geologi, vol 61, no. 6, pp. 190–197.
151. Öhman T., Schmieder M., Jourdan F., Buchner E. & Raiskila S., 2009. Summary: Shatter cones in Keurusselkä impact structure, Finland. Geologi, vol. 61, no. 6, pp. 195–196.
152. Öhman T., 2009. Kallioperän rakenteet vaikuttavat törmäyskraattereiden syntyyn. Geologi, vol. 61, no. 5, pp. 158–159.
153. Öhman T., 2004. Kara Crater and the K/T Extinction: Close But No Cigar. Meteorite, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 32–37.
Muut kirjoitukset suomalaisissa sanoma- ja aikakauslehdissä:
154. Öhman T., 2015. Miksikö opiskelu ei kiinnosta? Helsingin Sanomat, 27.1.2015, p. B10.
155. Öhman T., 2014. Astronautit ovat kustannustehokkaita. Helsingin Sanomat, 17.11.2014, p. B10.
156. Öhman T., 2012. Auringonpimennys palmujen katveessa. Nova, 2012, Astronomical Association Arktos, Oulu, p. 19.
157. Öhman T., 2008. Lentosäätiedot tähtiharrastajan apuna. Nova, 2008, Astronomical Association Arktos, Oulu, pp. 30–33.
158. Öhman T., 2008. Kirja-arvosteluja. Nova, 2008, Astronomical Association Arktos, Oulu, pp. 23–25, 34–35.
157. Öhman T., 2008. Lentosäätiedot tähtiharrastajan apuna. Nova, 2008, Astronomical Association Arktos, Oulu, pp. 30–33.
158. Öhman T., 2008. Kirja-arvosteluja. Nova, 2008, Astronomical Association Arktos, Oulu, pp. 23–25, 34–35.
159. Öhman T., 2008. Kara ja Popigai – Venäjän arktiset jättiläiskraatterit. Nova, 2008, Astronomical Association Arktos, Oulu, pp. 10–14.
160. Öhman T., 2005. Mitä globalisaatio merkitsee? Helsingin Sanomat, 28.6.2005.
161. Öhman T., 2004. Tähtitorni kaupungin keskellä. Nova, 1/2004, Astronomical Association Arktos, Oulu, pp. 13–15.
162. Öhman T., 2004. Kirja-arvosteluja. Nova, 1/2004, Astronomical Association Arktos, Oulu, pp. 21–23.
163. Öhman T., 1999. Sivuaurinko. Ursa Minor, 1/1999, Ursa Astronomical Association, Helsinki, pp. 4–10.
164. Öhman T., 1999. Sivuaurinko. Ursa Minor, 2/1999, Ursa Astronomical Association, Helsinki, pp. 10–17.
165. Öhman T., 1999. Sivuaurinko. Ursa Minor, 3/1999, Ursa Astronomical Association, Helsinki, pp. 4–8.
166. Moilanen J. & Öhman T., 1998. Kraattereihin liittyvää termistöä. Tähdet ja Avaruus, 1/1998, Ursa Astronomical Association, Helsinki, p. 14.
167. Öhman T., 1997. Paluu Puolivälinkankaalle. Nova, 1996–1997, Astronomical Association Arktos, Oulu, pp. 6–7.
168. Öhman T., 1994. Omin kirjallisuudenlajini. Sisä-Suomen Lehti, 05.06.1994, p. 8.
Julkaisut Internetissä, tietokannat, raportit, koulutustuotteet:
169. Öhman T., 2016. Huikeat Humboldtit. Zeniitti, 3/2016, pp. 27–54, e-magazine, Ursa Astronomical Association, Helsinki. Available online at: https://www.ursa.fi/blogi/zeniitti/2016/06/04/huikeat-humboldtit/
170. Öhman T., 2016. Hyginus – kaldera keskellä Kuuta. Zeniitti, 2/2016, pp. 41–62, e-magazine, Ursa Astronomical Association, Helsinki. Available online at: https://www.ursa.fi/blogi/zeniitti/2016/04/02/hyginus-kaldera-keskella-kuuta/
171. Öhman T., 2016. Kuun Suora valli. Zeniitti, 1/2016, pp. 31–45, e-magazine, Ursa Astronomical Association, Helsinki. Available online at: https://www.ursa.fi/blogi/zeniitti/2016/02/02/kuun-suora-valli/
172. Öhman T., 2015, 2016. Procedure for processing LRO WAC monochromatic images with ISIS 3 for photogeologic purposes. Unpublished report. Ver. 1.1 (2016), 8 pp., available online at: http://www.lpi.usra.edu/lunar/tools/dems/Ohman_mono-WAC_ISIS_procedure_v1-1.pdf Ver. 1.0 (2015), 7 pp., doi: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4848.2641, available online at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/284712939_Procedure_for_processing_LRO_WAC_monochromatic_images_with_ISIS_3_for_photogeologic_purposes
173. Öhman T., 2015. Uusi Kuu. Zeniitti, 5/2015, pp. 19–34, e-magazine, Ursa Astronomical Association, Helsinki. Available online at: https://www.ursa.fi/blogi/zeniitti/2015/12/14/uusi-kuu/ (accessed 09.04.2016)
174. Öhman T., 2011, 2015. Lunar Impact Crater Database, 3rd Edition. A thorough revision of a database of lunar craters and their physical properties, originally compiled by A. Losiak et al., 2009. Available online at: http://www.lpi.usra.edu/lpi/sci_database.shtml or at: http://www.lpi.usra.edu/lunar/surface/index.shtml#craters or directly at: www.lpi.usra.edu/lunar/surface/Lunar_Impact_Crater_Database_v08Sep2015.xls (accessed 22.03.2016)
175. Öhman T., 2014. Kansainvälinen Kuun havaintotapahtuma syyskuussa. Zeniitti, 3/2014, pp. 12–26, e-magazine, Ursa Astronomical Association, Helsinki. Available online at: https://www.ursa.fi/blogi/zeniitti/2014/08/04/kansainvalinen-kuun-havaintotapahtuma-syyskuussa/ (accessed 31.10.2014)
176. Öhman T., 2013. A beginner’s guide to stereo-derived DEM production and analysis using ISIS, ASP, and ArcMap. Lunar and Planetary Institute, internal report, 30 pp., doi: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1743.7609. Available online at: http://www.lpi.usra.edu/lunar/tools/dems/Ohman_2013_ISIS-ASP-ArcMap_workflow.pdf (accessed 22.03.2016)
177. Kramer G., Öhman T. & Landprint.com, 2011. Schrödinger Basin 3D Relief Model. Description available online at: http://www.lpi.usra.edu/nlsi/training/3dModels/ (accessed 09.09.2015)
178. Kramer G., Öhman T. & Landprint.com, 2011. Tycho Crater 3D Relief Model. Description available online at: http://www.lpi.usra.edu/nlsi/training/3dModels/ (accessed 09.09.2015)
179. Korhonen J. & Öhman T., 2002. Pyramidi – huhtikuun 2001 haloyhteenveto. Ursa Astronomical Association, Halo section, 22 pp. http://www.ursa.fi/ursa/jaostot/halot/havainnot/yhtv2001.pdf (accessed 09.02.2014)
180. Öhman T., 2012–present. Hieman Kuusta. A blog (in Finnish) about the science, exploration, and observation of the Moon. http://kuusta.blogspot.com/
181. Korteniemi J. & Öhman T., 2015–present. Suomen Kraatterit. A blog and a website (in Finnish with English summaries) about impact craters, particularly those in Finland. https://kraatterit.wordpress.com/ Accompanying Twitter and Facebook accounts:
https://twitter.com/FinnCraters https://www.facebook.com/suomenkraatterit
182. Öhman T., 1998. Revontulien havaitseminen – visuaalihavainto-opas. Ursa Astronomical Association, Aurora section. http://www.ursa.fi/ursa/jaostot/revontulet/opas.html (accessed 06.03.2016)
183. Raitala J. (Ed.), 2001. Nordenskiöld-retkikunta Kara-kraaterilla 2001. Text: Raitala J. Photos: Raitala J., Öhman T., Korhonen R. & Kunnas P. A CD-ROM (in Finnish) about the expedition to the Kara impact structure, arctic Russia. ISBN 951-42-6586-6.
Liite: Haastattelut ja muu medianäkyvyys:
A01. Renken E., 2016. U. researchers write analyses of multi-ring lunar basin. The Brown Daily Herald, vol. CLI, issue 102, November 8th, 2016, p. 4. An interview about the recent studies of Orientale basin. Available online with the title "Brown researchers write analyses of multi-ring lunar basin" at: http://www.browndailyherald.com/2016/11/08/brown-researchers-write-analyses-multi-ring-lunar-basin/
A02. Ujainen, J., 2016. Kirjaston Planeettailta oli odotettu uutuus. Kurikka-lehti, October 26th, 2016, p. #. An interview about the Moon and planets.
A03. Kettumäki A., 2016. ? YLE Pohjanmaa, October 18th, 2016. An interview about Lappajärvi impact crater and the planned geotrail for the Finnish broadcasting corporation YLE.
A04. Riihimäki T., 2016. Planeetoista matkailuvaltti. Ilkka, October 9th, 2016, p. 16. An interview about International Observe the Moon Night and the planetary image archive transferred to Lappajärvi.
A05. Jokiaho T., 2016. Euroopan suurin Kraatterijärvi – Lappajärvi Geomatkailun keskipiste. Lakeuden Aviisi, August 4th, 2016, p. 7. An interview about Lappajärvi impact structure and the planetary image archive transferred to Lappajärvi. Available online at: http://www.lehtiluukku.fi/lehti/lakeuden-aviisi/_read/31-2016/117371.html
A06. Mannersola M., 2016. Lappajärvestä halutaan kehittää geologinen nähtävyys. Ilkka, July 6th, 2016, p. #. An interview about Lappajärvi Craterlake Geotrail project.
A07. Mela J., 2016. Nasan planeettakuvia Järviseudulle. Järviseutu, June 22nd, 2016, p. 16. Interviewing M. Aittola, T. Öhman, S. Kukkonen and J. Korteniemi about the planetary image archive transferred to Lappajärvi.
A08. Arpala E., 2016. Outdoors eteni avaruuteen. Aisapari-tiedote 3/2016, June 21st, 2016, p. 3. A news article about the press conference with M. Aittola, T. Öhman, S. Kukkonen and J. Korteniemi regarding the planetary image archive transferred to Lappajärvi. Aisapari ry., Kauhava.
A09. Kataja, J., 2016. Kraatterijärvelle avaruuden tuntua. Ilkka, June 15th, 2016, p. 17. Interviewing M. Aittola, T. Öhman, S. Kukkonen and J. Korteniemi about the planetary image archive transferred to Lappajärvi. Preview available online at: http://www.ilkka.fi/uutiset/maakunta/j%C3%A4rviseutu-seura-nappasi-itselleen-nasan-pohjoismaisen-planeettakuva-arkiston-1.2068281
A10. Jokiaho, T., 2016. Järviseutu-Seura taivaallisen arkiston vartijaksi. Torstai-lehti, June 23rd, 2016, p. #. Interviewing M. Aittola, T. Öhman, S. Kukkonen and J. Korteniemi about the planetary image archive transferred to Lappajärvi. Available online at: http://www.torstai-lehti.fi/2016/06/14/jarviseutu-seura-taivaallisen/
A11. Collander S., 2016. Kraatterijärvessä vetovoimaa ja kätkettyjä mahdollisuuksia. Järviseudun Sanomat, 08.04.2016. An interview about the geotourism potential of Lappajärvi impact crater, available online at: https://www.jarviseudunsanomat.fi/index.php/item/896-kraatterijarvessa-vetovoimaa-ja-katkettyja-mahdollisuuksia
A12. Purola H., 2016. Litkut pyörivät miljoonia vuosia & Uusia Lappajärviä ei enää valmisteta. Ilkka, 07.04.2016, p. #. An interview about Lappajärvi impact crater and its geotourism potential.
A13. Järviseutu, 2016. Kraatteritutkija avaa Lappajärven syntyä. Järviseutu, April 6th, 2016, p. 14. An interview about Lappajärvi impact crater and its geotourism potential.
A14. Dotson R., 2016. Updated Edition of Lunar Impact Crater Database Now Available. Lunar and Planetary Information Bulletin, issue 144, March 2016, pp. 24–25. Discussing the 3rd Edition of the Lunar Impact Crater Database (Öhman 2011, 2015). Available online at: http://www.lpi.usra.edu/publications/newsletters/lpib/lpib144.pdf
A15. Dotson R., 2016. Tips for Processing LRO WAC Monochromatic Images with ISIS 3 for Photogeologic Purposes. Lunar and Planetary Information Bulletin, issue 144, March 2016, p. 26. Discussing LRO WAC processing procedure (Öhman 2015, 2016). Available online at: http://www.lpi.usra.edu/publications/newsletters/lpib/lpib144.pdf
A16. Heino J., 2016. Tutkimus osoitti Kuopion Suvasveden kraatterien syntyneen kahdesta eri törmäyksestä - "Ydinpommikin olisi jäänyt toiseksi". Iltalehti, 05.03.2016. An interview about the Suvasvesi ”false” doublet craters, available online at: http://www.iltalehti.fi/uutiset/2016030521210963_uu.shtml
A17. Arponen T., 2016. Suvasvedellä sittenkin kaksi törmäystä: paineaalto olisi laittanut Kuopion matalaksi. Savon Sanomat, 03.03.2016, pp. 4–5. An interview about the Suvasvesi “false” doublet craters. Also available online at: http://www.savonsanomat.fi/kotimaa/Suvasvedell%C3%A4-sittenkin-kaksi-t%C3%B6rm%C3%A4yst%C3%A4-paineaalto-olisi-laittanut-Kuopion-matalaksi/739578. Published with a different title (Suvasveden kraatterit syntyivät kahden eri asteroidin törmäyksestä) in Keskisuomalalainen, 03.03.2016, p. #. Available online at:http://www.ksml.fi/arkisto/?tem=archivechart&id=1795843
A18. Nummila S., 2016. 1 150 miljoonaa vuotta sitten asteroidi törmäsi Keurusselällä - vastasi 11 miljoonaa atomipommia. Discussing the age of the Keurusselkä impact structure (Schmieder et al. 2016). Tähdet ja avaruus, 03.01.2016. Available online at: https://www.avaruus.fi/uutiset/maa-ja-lahiavaruus/1-150-miljoonaa-vuotta-sitten-asteroidi-tormasi-keurusselalla-vastasi-11-miljoonaa-atomipommia.html
A19. Öhman T. & Uusi Rovaniemi, 2015. Katse kevättaivaalle: helmiäispilviä, haloja ja revontulia. Uusi Rovaniemi, 28.02.2015, p. 8. An interview/article about atmospheric optics. http://www.lehtiluukku.fi/lue/uusi-rovaniemi-28.02.2015/71681.html
A20. Holtari R., 2014. Kotka on kaunis kraatteri Marsissa. Kymen Sanomat, 02.10.2014, p. 8. An interview about a newly named impact crater on Mars.
A21. Wood C., 2012. Lunar Photo of the Day, Own a piece of the Moon, November 9, 2012. Discussing Tycho 3D Relief Model (Kramer et al. 2011). Available online at: http://lpod.wikispaces.com/November+9%2C+2012 (accessed 09.04.2015)
A22. Soderman/NLSI Staff, 2012. NLSI Scientists analyze crater that could be sampled by future missions. Discussing Kepler crater (Öhman T. & Kring D. A., 2012). Available online at: http://sservi.nasa.gov/articles/nlsi-scientists-analyze-crater-could-be-sampled-future-missions/ (accessed 09.04.2016)
A23. Wood C., 2012. Lunar Photo of the Day, Kepler rayology, March 26, 2012. Discussing Kepler crater (Öhman T. & Kring D. A., 2012). Available online at: http://lpod.wikispaces.com/March+26,+2012 (accessed 09.04.2016)
A24. Aittola M., 2011. An interview about asteroid impact hazard in Finnish e-magazine ”maggo”, December 2011. Magazine website: www.maggo.fi
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